Guardians of biodiversity: creating a paradise for pollinators

Asclepiade_Incarnate (3)
Pollinators, such as bees, butterflies, hummingbirds and many other insects, play a crucial role in the health of our ecosystems. They are essential for the reproduction of the majority of flowering plants and the production of fruits and vegetables.

Why encourage pollinators in your garden?

Pollinators, such as bees, butterflies, hummingbirds and many other insects, play a crucial role in the health of our ecosystems. They are essential for the reproduction of the majority of flowering plants and the production of fruits and vegetables.

However, these essential allies face increasing threats from human activities. The destruction of their natural habitats, the use of pesticides and climate change have led to an alarming decline in their populations. This decline has profound implications not only for natural biodiversity but also for global agriculture.

Creating a garden favorable to pollinators is a concrete way to help protect them. By choosing plants that attract them and avoiding the use of chemicals, we can offer them a refuge and a source of food.

The importance of pollinators goes beyond just pollinating plants. They are an essential link in the food chain and play a role in regulating ecosystems. By pollinating plants, they help maintain the genetic diversity of plant species, which is crucial for the resilience of ecosystems in the face of environmental change.

Our exclusive organic seeds for pollinators

In our quest to support pollinators, we created the Seed Selection “ Friend of bees ". The flower and herb seeds that compose it have been carefully selected. These are varieties that not only beautify your garden, but also provide shelter and a vital food source for bees, butterflies and other pollinating insects.

Native flowers and adapted varieties

We favor native flowers and varieties adapted to the Quebec climate, because they provide the best habitats and nectar sources for local pollinators. These plants are naturally hardier and require less maintenance, making them perfect for all types of gardeners.

Herbs, the ecstasy of pollinators

Besides flowers, we recommend herbs such as thyme, basil and sage. These herbs produce small flowers that attract pollinators, while adding flavor to your cooking.

Sustainability and ecology

All of our seeds are certified organic, ensuring that they are grown without the use of pesticides or chemical fertilizers that are harmful to pollinators. By choosing our seeds, you contribute to more sustainable and environmentally friendly gardening.

Our “Friend of Bees” Selection is designed to promote the beneficial presence of pollinators in your garden.

Create a balanced ecosystem

Incorporating pollinator-friendly plants into your garden is about more than just attracting these precious insects. This is a fundamental step towards establishing a balanced and sustainable ecosystem.

By choosing plants that are diverse and adapted to your local climate, you help create a natural habitat that supports not only pollinators, but also a variety of wildlife and beneficial microorganisms.

Within the framework of the permaculture, each element of your garden is designed to work in harmony with the others. This holistic approach does not just look at plants individually, but considers how they interact with each other and their environment.

For example, certain plants can serve as natural pest repellents, eliminating the need for harmful pesticides. Others can enrich the soil with nutrients, helping their neighbors thrive.

By favoring organic gardening methods and avoiding chemicals, you help preserve soil health. Healthy soil is the foundation of a thriving garden. It is home to a complex community of organisms, theedaphon, which plays a crucial role in the decomposition of organic matter and the regulation of nutrients. These processes are essential for maintaining the natural balance and fertility of the soil.

In short, by creating a pollinator-friendly garden, you are not only providing a food source for these essential creatures. You actively participate in building an ecosystem where each element, from the smallest soil bacteria to the largest animals, has a role to play.

Creating a balanced ecosystem is an approach that goes beyond gardening. It is a significant contribution to the preservation of our planet and the promotion of biodiversity.

By choosing your seeds wisely and cultivating a pollinator-friendly garden, you actively contribute to the preservation of biodiversity. Each plant chosen is a step towards a healthier ecosystem. Together, let's celebrate and protect these precious helpers of nature in our gardens.

We created a section Honey plants which brings together more than 115 varieties found in our catalog. Check it out HERE


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