Edaphon: the unsung heroes of germination

Discover the secret world beneath your feet! Often overlooked, edaphon, this vibrant collection of living organisms in the soil, is the pillar of plant health and the success of your seedlings. In this article, we invite you to explore how these tiny beings can greatly influence the growth of your plants, from the comfort of your home.

Online training for urban farmers

The online training of Urban Cultists provides 15 years of knowledge and experience in urban agriculture, brought together in a simple and practical formula to make gardening accessible. Through the five training modules, learn the art of urban vegetable gardening at your own pace!

Also discover the new add-on on growing mushrooms outdoors.

Growing mushrooms (outdoors)

Something new for Urban Cultists!

Learn how to grow mushrooms at home, whether in the garden or in small spaces such as on balconies with the new online training module offered by Les Urbainculteurs in collaboration with their guest specialist La Botte Champignonnière. Simple videos to follow step by step, annotated and supplemented with downloadable PDFs.

Training accessible for life!

The different stages of outdoor sowing

If you're new to gardening, sowing outdoors can seem a little intimidating. In fact, it's an easy and affordable way to start your garden and grow fresh, tasty vegetables yourself. With a little planning and patience, you can successfully plant your outdoor seeds. In this article, we will guide you through the basic steps to help you succeed in your outdoor sowing and have success in your gardening.

Frass: a product with many qualities

Fertilizer, amendment, biostimulant, frass is a truly versatile product. 100% natural and organic, Ecocert approved, frass is ecological, sustainable, eco-responsible and participates in the circular economy. By processing food residues, black soldier fly larvae transform this residual material into a living and efficient product which is returned to the ground in order to provide or maintain life. Combined with Biochar, it is a winning formula for stimulating the growth and vigor of plants, and more remarkably, for regenerating soil.

It's spring, it's planting time!

In the relatively short summer conditions that prevail in Quebec, several species of vegetable or flower plants must be sown indoors as early as March or April. These plants will thus be able to produce mature flowers or fruits before the onset of cold weather in autumn.

Lighting: whether for seedlings, microgreens or indoor gardens

As you can imagine, when you want to sow seeds at home or create an indoor garden, lighting is undoubtedly the most important element to consider for success. With the advent of LED diodes, the number of horticultural lamps on the market has increased enormously and it has become difficult to navigate. Together, let's try to shed some light on the subject (without making a bad pun).

Plan your garden to avoid unpleasant surprises

What's better than the cold month of January to plan your vegetable garden? We have time to think about it, with the first sowings only starting in a few weeks. By doing this, we avoid disappointing mistakes during the summer.

Seeds adapted to the local climate are much better

The arguments in favor of local purchasing are well established: solidarity with local commerce, reduction of GHG emissions, products better adapted to local realities, etc. However, when it comes to seeds, buying local presents, for gardeners, advantages on the physiological and environmental levels, in terms of adaptation to the climate, and therefore more abundant harvests.

Store your seeds properly

Seeds from Jardins de l'écoumène have a very high germination rate in the year of purchase. Depending on the species, this germination rate decreases more or less quickly over the years: some seeds still germinate reasonably well after five or ten years, but others no longer germinate after only two years.

Fresh microgreens on potting soil

Microgreens are plant seeds that are germinated on potting soil while sprouts are seeds that are germinated in pots without substrate. Microgreens require less maintenance than sprouts which must be rinsed twice a day, sometimes more in some cases.

Growing fruiting vegetables indoors

Light, temperature, watering, air circulation, substrate, parasites and fertilization represent important issues, but have many solutions as shown by Écouinfo Growing vegetables indoors: possible and funny. However, when growing fruiting vegetables indoors another major challenge is also present: pollination.

Growing vegetables indoors: possible and fun

It is possible and quite easy to grow vegetables indoors during the cold season. However, one should not expect super returns as outwardly. These are mainly complementary crops. We ensure the freshness of the products and above all we have fun.

Potting soil can be recycled and it’s an ecological gesture

A few years ago, it was suggested that gardeners throw away the potting soil they had used in their pot after a year of use. When we know that land is a precious commodity, not very renewable (it takes 200 to 1 years to renew the soil layer), this advice was a bit absurd. Since then, we have been more respectful and we know that we can reuse the potting soil from the containers from year to year.

Green Tomato Bread Recipe

We make green ketchup and salsas, but also lesser-known dishes in Quebec such as fried green tomatoes (Fried Green Tomatoes, very popular in the southern United States). Green tomatoes also replace apples in the pie! And what about green tomato bread?

Pesto recipes with fine herbs.

Turn your herbs into tasty pesto-like sauces to accompany your pasta or use them as dips with vegetables and crackers. Have you thought about using them as bases for your other sauces and in other recipes? Use them as bases
for your other sauces and
recipes !