The missing link in living soils
Buy biochar: regular formats
Do you want to get biochar for your gardens, flowerbeds, seedlings, pots and containers? 500 g, 2 kg and 5 kg formats available online exclusively!
- Visit the Online Store.
- Find a retailer near you.
- Visit Application Guide.

Buy biochar: large formats
You are a farmer, horticulturist, landscaper, municipal employee, entrepreneur, etc. and you want to buy biochar in large quantity? We can meet your needs!
Please write to us at

What is biochar?

Biochar is a soil amendment from the pyrolysis of plant biomass. It is used in agriculture to increase soil productivity, with biochar acting to rehumify soils, improve water retention and stimulate the immune system of plants.
- View report from Green week on Radio-Canada (January 16, 2021)
- Consult the Frequently Asked Questions
- Read the article Biochar: the missing link in living soils (September 15, 2020).
The missing link?

Biochar makes it possible to create a unique habitat for the protection and reproduction of soil microbial flora, an aspect that is still little known, or even neglected, in agriculture. Despite the constant addition of fertilizer and compost, inside the soil, microorganisms are constantly disrupted and nutrients leached out. The ultra-porous structure of biochar helps counter these effects, retaining water, promoting greater soil fertility and stimulating plant growth. The missing link in living soils!
Our Écouinfo library

- Application Guide of the Biochar System
- Consult the Frequently Asked Questions
- VIDEO: Application in “living mixture” (variant) and transplantation (14 2021 June)
- VIDEO: Application as a “living mixture” for transplantation (March 16 2021)
- VIDEO: Pot application for sowing and repotting (March 16 2021)
- VIDEO: 'Live' discussion on pot and living mix application (March 12 2021)
- VIDEO: 'Live' discussion on biochar and the fight against climate change (Dec 11, 2020)
- Biochar in a “living mixture”: it’s a winner! (Nov 30, 2020)
- Biochar: everywhere, including in your pots and bins! (Oct 8, 2020)
- VIDEO: Direct application in fall (Oct 5, 2020)
- Biochar in the fall! (direct application) (September 15, 2020)
- Biochar: the missing link in living soils (Sep 15, 2020)
- Press release: launch (Sep 14, 2020)
Other references

- Podcast « Prepare your garden with biochar and fish compost » (Radio-Canada, April 28, 2021)
- Report on a “ Extensive collaborative experience on biochar » (Le Soleil, January 31, 2021)
- View report from Green week on Radio-Canada (January 16, 2021)
- Biochar (Wikipedia)
- Do you know biochar? (MAPAQ)
- International Biochar Initiative
- GECA Environment
- Report : Biochar-based substrate: performance and economics (Laval University)
- Biochar: The Quebec reality (Biopter)
- Powering agriculture with coal (one.five)
- Video workshop: Why biochar? (Living web Farms)