

Tips and tricks


Finding the perfect gift for a gardening enthusiast or nature lover

The festivities are approaching and it's time to think about gifts that will please your loved ones who are passionate about gardening and nature. Whether you are looking for a gift for a special occasion or for festive moments, you will find here ideas that combine practicality, respect for the environment and love of nature.

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Growing Vegetables Indoors: Tips for Gardening in Any Season

When temperatures drop, there's nothing like continuing your gardening indoors to keep a patch of greenery. Growing vegetables indoors is both possible and fun. While you're not looking to get super-yields, these small crops are perfect for adding freshness to your dishes while enjoying the pleasure of gardening!

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The Bold Challenge of Fall Sowing for an Exquisite Spring Harvest

Dear passionate and daring gardeners, are you ready to revolutionize your approach to gardening and take on an innovative challenge? Imagine harvesting delicious vegetables from the first days of spring, without waiting for the traditional sowing of the summer season.

Welcome to the captivating world of fall sowing, a technique that shakes up habits and promises early and tasty harvests in our cold Quebec climates.

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The different stages of outdoor sowing

If you're new to gardening, sowing outdoors can seem a little intimidating. In fact, it's an easy and affordable way to start your garden and grow fresh, tasty vegetables yourself. With a little planning and patience, you can successfully plant your outdoor seeds. In this article, we will guide you through the basic steps to help you succeed in your outdoor sowing and have success in your gardening.

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It's spring, it's planting time!

In the relatively short summer conditions that prevail in Quebec, several species of vegetable or flower plants must be sown indoors as early as March or April. These plants will thus be able to produce mature flowers or fruits before the onset of cold weather in autumn.

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Store your seeds properly

Seeds from Jardins de l'écoumène have a very high germination rate in the year of purchase. Depending on the species, this germination rate decreases more or less quickly over the years: some seeds still germinate reasonably well after five or ten years, but others no longer germinate after only two years.

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Fresh microgreens on potting soil

Microgreens are plant seeds that are germinated on potting soil while sprouts are seeds that are germinated in pots without substrate. Microgreens require less maintenance than sprouts which must be rinsed twice a day, sometimes more in some cases.

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Growing fruiting vegetables indoors

Light, temperature, watering, air circulation, substrate, parasites and fertilization represent important issues, but have many solutions as shown by Écouinfo Growing vegetables indoors: possible and funny. However, when growing fruiting vegetables indoors another major challenge is also present: pollination.

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Potting soil can be recycled and it’s an ecological gesture

A few years ago, it was suggested that gardeners throw away the potting soil they had used in their pot after a year of use. When we know that land is a precious commodity, not very renewable (it takes 200 to 1 years to renew the soil layer), this advice was a bit absurd. Since then, we have been more respectful and we know that we can reuse the potting soil from the containers from year to year.

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Harvesting and preserving fine herbs

The harvest, and therefore the conservation, of fine herbs begins as soon as the plants have reached the desired point of maturity. For herbs whose leaves we eat, we can make several harvests during the summer. The warmer you live in a region, the higher the number of harvests.

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End of summer sowing

While the harvests have started in mid-summer, several spaces have been freed up in the vegetable garden. We can of course cover them with biodegradable material, such as mulch, to prevent erosion, but we can also use them to start new crops.

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Water while protecting the resource

Looking at a map of the world, you might think that we will never run out of water. However, the situation is misleading. Fresh water reserves, and therefore useful for watering plants, represent only 2,5% of all this water. If we subtract polluted water, we quickly understand that the protection of such a resource is vital for humanity. Both for hydration and for eating.

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Soil of a vegetable garden covered with mulch between its rows of lettuce.


There is some confusion about the word mulch. This is derived from the word straw and is therefore a technique which consists of covering the ground with straw… or an organic material that resembles it. For supporters of this definition, the expression “organic mulch” is therefore a pleonasm. So what about “plastic mulch”? They should rather be called anti-vegetative tarpaulins or ground covers. This confusion comes from the translation of the word mulch which in English designates both mulches of organic origin, canvases and decorative coverings such as river pebbles.

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Soil temperature

When is the right time to plant or sow in the vegetable garden? Each year, the right time for the start of sowing and especially planting in the vegetable garden is

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