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From pruning to managing fruit trees
In this work, we discover that the varieties are all different and that each of them has its own type of branching and then fruiting.
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In this work, we discover that the varieties are all different and that each of them has its own type of branching and then fruiting.
From pruning to managing fruit trees offers a new look at the growth and fruiting of fifteen different species (apricot, almond, cherry, chestnut, quince, fig, kiwi, hazel, walnut, olive, peach, pear, apple, plum, table grape).
No longer prune fruit trees to obtain a geometric and structured shape as a priority, but support them in their natural development to quickly obtain good quality fruit and better behavior of the tree in the face of diseases: this is the goal that we have set ourselves. twenty-five authors and collaborators, under the coordination of Jean-Marie Lespinasse and Évelyne Leterme.
In this work, we discover that the varieties are all different and that each of them has its own type of branching and then fruiting. Their natural organization is not only the most harmonious but also the most efficient. If we respect this natural construction of the tree and its mode of fruiting, we will no longer have to impose artificial pruning on it. We will intervene as educators, promoting the characteristics of each variety. We will then be able to repress “pruning reflexes” that are often destructive, disrespectful of nature and without the slightest scientific or physiological justification. Let's let nature take its course and help it according to its own suggestions.
Authors: Evelyne Leterme and Jean-Marie Lespinasse
Edition: Rouergue
Publication: 2011
Pages: 328
ISBN : 978-2-8126-0228-3
French language