Blue Oyster Mushroom – Growing Kit – Pleurotus ostratus var. colombinus

Pleurotus ostreatus var. Columbinus


Blue oyster mushroom – Homemade Mushroom Grow Kit.

Blue Oyster Mushroom Mycelium [Pleurotus ostreatus var. Columbinus] grown in a circular economy on spent grain, hemp and coffee grounds in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Available at the ecoumene only

Blue oyster mushroom – Homemade Mushroom Grow Kit.

Blue Oyster Mushroom Mycelium [Pleurotus ostreatus var. Columbinus] grown in a circular economy on spent grain, hemp and coffee grounds in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.


Discover this gourmet mushroom, one of the most accessible and easiest to grow.

This kit makes it easy to grow gourmet mushrooms from recycled coffee grounds. As easy as Open, Water, Pick. Developed with respect for the environment and human health, these kits are free of fertilizers and pesticides.

  • Blue oyster mushroom growing kits provide rapid and abundant fruiting.
  • Within 15 days of opening a bag, a first harvest of delicious blue oyster mushrooms will be ready to be picked and enjoyed.
  • After harvesting, it is advisable to submerge the kit in cold water for around twelve hours to reinvigorate the mycelium, and off you go again!

A Homemade Mushroom Grow Kit can produce up to 1 pounds of fresh mushrooms during its two-month production run, then seed up to 5 times its mass ad vitam æternam.

Fantastic permaculture innovation – oyster mushroom mycelium also allows many organic household wastes to be reused as a food source as a substrate for growing mushrooms!

The grow bags are produced in an artisanal way, in the heart of Montreal. The raw materials used are collected within a radius of less than 2 km from the production site with a concern for reducing the ecological footprint. The Champignons Maison grow kits are the result of a technique that stimulates the development of the mycelium's immune system so that they reach you informed and able to stand up to ambient organisms.

Further information

Weight ND
Size ND