Dandelion Pink – Organic

Taraxacum pseudoroseum


The Pink dandelion, or dandelion with pink flowers, is a fascinating and colorful variation of the traditional dandelion. This dandelion stands out with its delicate pink flowers, providing an attractive visual spectacle in any garden or meadow. Like its better-known yellow cousin, all parts of the Pink Dandelion are edible: the roots, leaves and flowers. These components are slightly less bitter than those of yellow dandelion, making them more palatable for many consumers.

In addition to being a visual source of beauty, Dandelion Pink is extremely beneficial to the local ecosystem. It is highly honey-loving, attracting a variety of pollinators, including bees and butterflies, which play a crucial role in the health of gardens and natural ecosystems. Finally, Pink dandelion is an excellent source of vitamin A, making it a nutritious addition to the diet.

Number of days for harvest: 40

Available at the ecoumene only

The Pink dandelion, or dandelion with pink flowers, is a fascinating and colorful variation of the traditional dandelion. This dandelion stands out with its delicate pink flowers, providing an attractive visual spectacle in any garden or meadow. Like its better-known yellow cousin, all parts of the Pink Dandelion are edible: the roots, leaves and flowers. These components are slightly less bitter than those of yellow dandelion, making them more palatable for many consumers.

In addition to being a visual source of beauty, Dandelion Pink is extremely beneficial to the local ecosystem. It is highly honey-loving, attracting a variety of pollinators, including bees and butterflies, which play a crucial role in the health of gardens and natural ecosystems. Finally, Pink dandelion is an excellent source of vitamin A, making it a nutritious addition to the diet.

Number of days for harvest: 40




Ecosystem services

Procurement Services

Further information

Weight ND
Size ND