Greek Oregano – Organic

Origanum vulgaris sp. hirtum


Greek oregano is the tastiest oregano! The compact plant produces deliciously fragrant leaves that are significantly superior in flavor to those of common oregano. It can be recognized by its always white flowers and its stems which are redder than the species from which it comes. Hardy in zone 3, it is grown in sun or partial sun in preferably calcareous and light soil, but always well drained.

Unlike many herbs, its aroma deepens with drying. In cooking, it goes wonderfully with dishes based on tomato sauce, pasta, eggs, meats, fish, eggplant, chili and zucchini.

Its effects on health are also numerous: the thymol it contains helps treat colds, coughs and respiratory problems; in infusion, oregano facilitates digestion and acts as a tonic and diuretic; as a gargle, it is used in the treatment of oral infections; when inhaled, it relieves headaches; in balm or lotion, it relieves muscular and rheumatic pain as well as external injuries.

Number of days for harvest: 80 to 90

Available at the ecoumene only

Greek oregano is the tastiest oregano! The compact plant produces deliciously fragrant leaves that are significantly superior in flavor to those of common oregano. It can be recognized by its always white flowers and its stems which are redder than the species from which it comes. Hardy in zone 3, it is grown in sun or partial sun in preferably calcareous and light soil, but always well drained.

Unlike many herbs, its aroma deepens with drying. In cooking, it goes wonderfully with dishes based on tomato sauce, pasta, eggs, meats, fish, eggplant, chili and zucchini.

Its effects on health are also numerous: the thymol it contains helps treat colds, coughs and respiratory problems; in infusion, oregano facilitates digestion and acts as a tonic and diuretic; as a gargle, it is used in the treatment of oral infections; when inhaled, it relieves headaches; in balm or lotion, it relieves muscular and rheumatic pain as well as external injuries.

Number of days for harvest: 80 to 90




Ecosystem services

Procurement Services

Edible parts:
Medical use:

Further information

Weight ND
Size ND
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