Lemon balm – Organic

Melissa officinalis


The name of this plant comes from melissophullon, which means “bee leaf”. Its bright green foliage with the lemony scent of lemon balm gives a fresh flavor to meats, poultry and fish, as well as fruit or vegetable salads. Easy to grow, lemon balm produces erect stems growing between 30 and 80 cm in height. The white bell flowers that adorn the plant in summer produce nectar that bees cannot resist. It is the basis of lemon balm water which had many followers in France from the XNUMXth century to relieve migraines and nervous discomfort. We make delicious herbal teas with calming and relaxing properties which are slightly sedative and promote sweating. It requires slightly acidic soil.

This variety requires a period of layering 7 days in the cold.

Number of days for harvest: 60

Available at the ecoumene only

The name of this plant comes from melissophullon, which means “bee leaf”. Its bright green foliage with the lemony scent of lemon balm gives a fresh flavor to meats, poultry and fish, as well as fruit or vegetable salads. Easy to grow, lemon balm produces erect stems growing between 30 and 80 cm in height. The white bell flowers that adorn the plant in summer produce nectar that bees cannot resist. It is the basis of lemon balm water which had many followers in France from the XNUMXth century to relieve migraines and nervous discomfort. We make delicious herbal teas with calming and relaxing properties which are slightly sedative and promote sweating. It requires slightly acidic soil.

This variety requires a period of layering 7 days in the cold.

Number of days for harvest: 60




Ecosystem services

Procurement Services

Edible parts:
Medical use:

Further information

Weight ND
Size ND
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