Edible and medicinal plants from the boreal forest and benefits of chaga


Edible and medicinal plants from the boreal forest and the benefits of chaga brings together the most up-to-date knowledge on 64 plants from the boreal forest as well as chaga, a fungus parasitic on birch trees.

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Edible and medicinal plants from the boreal forest and the benefits of chaga brings together the most up-to-date knowledge on 64 plants from the boreal forest as well as chaga, a fungus parasitic on birch trees.


Edible and medicinal plants from the boreal forest and benefits of chaga is the most comprehensive work to date on the subject; it allows you to return to your roots and benefit independently, summer and winter, from the virtues of plants and chaga.

In this work, the author gives a nod to the natives, to our European ancestors and to our grandmothers, who used these plants before us, while the nature that surrounded them was at the same time their pantry and their pharmacy.

You will discover ;

  • Up-to-date knowledge on medicinal plants,
  • Recipes on medicinal plants tested by a herbalist,
  • Several original ways of cooking edible plants and preparing chaga,
  • Suggestions for gathering, preserving and using plants and chaga.

Pitch sheet

Author: Roger Larivière
Edition: Naturat (Quebec, Canada)
Publication date: April 2020
Pages: 258
ISBN : 978-2-9818049-2-1
French language

UGS 978-2-9818049-2-1 Categories: , , ,