Vegetable garden: doing more with less: a simple, ecological and economical garden


How to kill several birds with one stone while gardening?
How to have an abundant garden that requires less physical and financial investment, that's what this bible offers!

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How to kill several birds with one stone while gardening?
How to have an abundant garden that requires less physical and financial investment, that's what this bible offers!


This book reveals a cultivation approach “The Respect Nature approach” which allows you to be in perfect harmony with your environment. As in nature everything is interconnected, the Respect Nature approach allows us to garden with zero waste by intelligently using the resources of our environment to integrate them into our gardening needs.
When well understood and properly applied, everyone can garden as they wish and have beautiful harvests of healthy fruits and vegetables without having to buy any expensive products, without any costs, with less effort, while having to manage at the same time. source the organic materials available at home and around your home.
This book reveals at least eight eco-responsible ways, other than usual composting, to recycle organic materials. Kitchen leftovers, tree leaves, cut grass, crop residues, old foliage, weeds, aquatic plants, wood chips, BRF, etc., are all materials that can easily be used in your garden. In addition to composting, which is not suitable for everyone, the other ways of managing these materials revealed in this book will surprise you because they are so simple to implement, because they are so logical and because they will improve your gardening!

You can read an extract by clicking here: Vegetable Garden Extract: do more with less .

Author: Serge Fortier
Dimensions: 20 x 25.5 cm (8 x 10 in)
Page: 192, color
Publication date: February 2023
ISBN: 9782896588435

Further information

Weight 0.0 kg
UGS 9782896588435 Categories: , ,