Five-toothed Grelinette


The grelinette is an ergonomic tool which is used to loosen the soil without turning it over, unlike the traditional spade. It works according to a lever principle: you push the tool vertically and bring the handles towards you by taking a step back and moving the handles from right to left to break up the clods.

Available at the ecoumene only

The grelinette is an ergonomic tool which is used to loosen the soil without turning it over, unlike the traditional spade. It works according to a lever principle: you push the tool vertically and bring the handles towards you by taking a step back and moving the handles from right to left to break up the clods.


One of the first designs by Jean-Martin Fortier, author of the work The market gardener: small area organic farming manual.

  • Made up of 5 sturdy, curved teeth made of galvanized steel that resists corrosion.
  • This tool allows you to aerate the soil effectively without the fatigue caused by traditional digging.
  • Ideal for aerating the soil of existing vegetable gardens in spring.
  • Do not use for plowing.