
Fresh microgreens on potting soil

Microgreens are plant seeds that are germinated on potting soil while sprouts are seeds that are germinated in pots without substrate. Microgreens require less maintenance than sprouts which must be rinsed twice a day, sometimes more in some cases.

Arugula to sprout – Organic

5.95$ - 9.25$

Rich in oils, mineral salts and vitamins, sprouted arugula seeds seduce with their spicy flavor enhanced with a subtle nutty taste. They are excellent in salads and sandwiches.

Available at the ecoumene only

Rich in oils, mineral salts and vitamins, sprouted arugula seeds seduce with their spicy flavor enhanced with a subtle nutty taste. They are excellent in salads and sandwiches.


  • Mucilaginous seeds of easy cultivation.
  • Excellent fresh and crunchy texture.
  • Cultivation on soil.
  • Recommended soaking period of 4 to 8 hours.
  • Germination time: 3-5 days

Photo credit: Caroline Dostie and Point-Virgule

Further information

Weight 0.0 kg
Size ND