White sweet clover

Melilotus albus


Seeds grown in an ecological and responsible manner by Akène, forest culture

Sweet clover is our boreal vanilla! Its floral and sweet scent may be reminiscent of vanilla and tonka bean, although it is truly unique.

Some people appreciate its young leaves in salads, but it is its fresh flowers that we love the most for their exquisite fragrance which will liven up your desserts. We also make a delicious sweet clover essence by macerating the flowers in alcohol, as we would do with vanilla.

Used as an infusion, sweet clover is also antispasmodic (useful for calming coughs) and sedative.

WARNINGS : The substance giving sweet clover its characteristic scent, coumarin, can transform into dicoumarol during drying if this is not done under the right conditions.

Dicoumarol is a powerful anticoagulant and could cause internal bleeding in high doses.

Use fresh sweet clover or be sure to dry it away from light and with ample ventilation to prevent humidity from stagnating or mold developing. It is in fact fermentation which causes this transformation.

Available at the ecoumene only

Seeds grown in an ecological and responsible manner by Akène, forest culture

Sweet clover is our boreal vanilla! Its floral and sweet scent may be reminiscent of vanilla and tonka bean, although it is truly unique.

Some people appreciate its young leaves in salads, but it is its fresh flowers that we love the most for their exquisite fragrance which will liven up your desserts. We also make a delicious sweet clover essence by macerating the flowers in alcohol, as we would do with vanilla.

Used as an infusion, sweet clover is also antispasmodic (useful for calming coughs) and sedative.

WARNINGS : The substance giving sweet clover its characteristic scent, coumarin, can transform into dicoumarol during drying if this is not done under the right conditions.

Dicoumarol is a powerful anticoagulant and could cause internal bleeding in high doses.

Use fresh sweet clover or be sure to dry it away from light and with ample ventilation to prevent humidity from stagnating or mold developing. It is in fact fermentation which causes this transformation.


Sowing and cultivation 

Light scarification is necessary to ensure germination of sweet clover seeds.

The seed coat of sweet clover is hard and waterproof. To scarify it, gently rub the seeds between two sheets of fine sandpaper, without pressing too hard to avoid damaging the seeds. We do not want to remove the entire outer covering of the seed (the seed coat), but only damage it to facilitate imbibition, i.e. the absorption of water by the seed.

Once scarified, soak the seeds in water at room temperature for 12 hours, before sowing them at a depth of 5 to 10 mm. Keep the potting soil moist during germination, which should take about 10 to 15 days, sometimes less.

You can also sow directly in place in the fall, scarification will then be done naturally outside with changes in conditions and temperature, but the germination rate may be reduced.


Technical Details

Seeds per bag: 250

Family: Fabaceae

Scientific name : Melilotus albus

Life cycle: Biennial that reseeds

Area : 3

Floor : Poor, well drained

Light : Sun, partial shade

Flowering: July to August

Spacing: 45 cm

Height: 120 cm

Deer resistance: Yes

Stratification: No

Scarification: Lightweight

Germination time: 10 to 15

Sowing depth: 10 mm

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