Grass-leaved goldenrod

Euthamia graminifolia


Seeds grown in an ecological and responsible manner by Akène, forest culture

Majestic native plant with broad leaves and yellow flowers atop tall, sturdy stems that can reach 2,75 m.

Grass-leaved goldenrod gets its name from its narrow leaves along its stems. This slender plant branches in its upper part into several stems topped with dense clusters of small yellow flowers that are very decorative and attractive to pollinators.

This easy-to-grow plant even tends to become aggressive in humid, sunny locations and therefore may not be suitable for small spaces.

Akène cannot assume any responsibility surrounding the use of plants for therapeutic uses. Always seek professional advice before using any medicinal or edible plant.

Available at the ecoumene only

Seeds grown in an ecological and responsible manner by Akène, forest culture

Majestic native plant with broad leaves and yellow flowers atop tall, sturdy stems that can reach 2,75 m.

Grass-leaved goldenrod gets its name from its narrow leaves along its stems. This slender plant branches in its upper part into several stems topped with dense clusters of small yellow flowers that are very decorative and attractive to pollinators.

This easy-to-grow plant even tends to become aggressive in humid, sunny locations and therefore may not be suitable for small spaces.

Akène cannot assume any responsibility surrounding the use of plants for therapeutic uses. Always seek professional advice before using any medicinal or edible plant.


Sowing and cultivation 

Grass-leaved Goldenrod seeds can germinate without special pretreatment, but germination rate will be improved if cold stratified for 30 days before sowing.

For stratification, mix the seeds with a moist substrate (vermiculite, perlite or sand) and place them in a plastic bag in the refrigerator for 30 days.

Sprinkle the seeds on the surface, then spray a little water to ensure good contact with the soil. Do not cover since they need light to germinate. Do not let the potting soil dry out during germination, which should take 15 to 20 days. If necessary, you can use a dome or plastic bag to cover your container during this period, but avoid excess humidity.

You can also sow directly in the garden in the fall, stratification will then take place naturally outside, but the germination rate may be reduced.

Very adaptable, the grass-leaved goldenrod adapts to several types of soil and different humidity levels.


Technical Details

Seeds per bag: 250

Family: Asteraceae

Scientific name : Euthamia graminifolia

Life cycle:

Area : 3

Floor : Adaptable

Light : Sun, partial shade

Flowering: July to September

Spacing: 30 cm

Height: 100 cm

Stratification: Optional, 30 days

Scarification: No

Germination time: 10 20 days in

Sowing depth: Surface

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