Flower seeds – Butterflies and Birds

16.95$ - 49.95$

Available at the ecoumene only


Transform your garden by adding a sunny touch to your terraces, flower beds and flower fields.

Each mixture of floral seeds will prove to be a true awakening for the senses, punctuating your natural space with delicate scents and invigorating colors.

This blend of 15 fragrant wildflowers attracts butterflies and birds to the delight of gardeners and children, in addition to enhancing the beauty of the landscape.

Source of savings: Save time thanks to direct and practical sowing.

Contribution to sustainable management and promote biodiversity: Promotes animal (insects & butterflies) and plant diversity.

Promote the return of nature to the city: Stop monotony, evolve in color and height during the summer.

500 g contains: 125 g of wildflowers and 375 g of substrate.

175 g contains: 25 g of wild flowers and 150 g of buckwheat hulls.

New sowing coverage: 500 g covers 25 m2 / 265 ft2

New sowing coverage: 175 g covers 5 m2 / 50 ft2

15% Cynoglossum amabile
15% Tropaeolum incarbatum
10% Cosmos bipinnatus
10% Gypsophila elegans
10% Lupinus perennis
10% Trifolium incarnatum
7% Zinnia elegans
5% Lavatera trimestris
3% Delphinium consolidated
3% Echinacea purpurea
3% Lobularia maritima
3% Papaver rhoeas
3% Silene armeria
2% Rudbeckia hirta

Further information

Weight 0.0 kg
Size ND
UGS N / A Categories: , Labels ,