Golden Purslane – Organic

Portulaca oleracea var. sativa


Purslane is an annual plant that Europeans cultivated from the Middle Ages until it fell into oblivion. Hobbyists grow purslane as a fast-growing leafy vegetable, with harvest beginning three to four weeks after sowing. It can therefore be cultivated in successive sowings for a harvest of young shoots and tender leaves all season long. By harvesting the leaves with a small piece of stem, the latter continues to develop, allowing up to three harvests from the same plant. The leaves have a fine nutty taste which becomes very bitter when the plant flowers. They are eaten raw in salads, or blanched like spinach.

Number of days for harvest: 50

Available at the ecoumene only

Purslane is an annual plant that Europeans cultivated from the Middle Ages until it fell into oblivion. Hobbyists grow purslane as a fast-growing leafy vegetable, with harvest beginning three to four weeks after sowing. It can therefore be cultivated in successive sowings for a harvest of young shoots and tender leaves all season long. By harvesting the leaves with a small piece of stem, the latter continues to develop, allowing up to three harvests from the same plant. The leaves have a fine nutty taste which becomes very bitter when the plant flowers. They are eaten raw in salads, or blanched like spinach.

Number of days for harvest: 50




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