Nice Round Zucchini – Organic

Curcubite pepo


Described for the first time in 1743, this very early and non-running zucchini produces abundant round, green fruits marbled with light green. Its fine flesh is particularly tender and melting when the fruit is a third of its development, when ripe it becomes more fibrous and the smooth skin takes on orange hues. It is mainly eaten in ratatouille, stuffed or au gratin.

Number of days for harvest: 50 

Available at the ecoumene only

Described for the first time in 1743, this very early and non-running zucchini produces abundant round, green fruits marbled with light green. Its fine flesh is particularly tender and melting when the fruit is a third of its development, when ripe it becomes more fibrous and the smooth skin takes on orange hues. It is mainly eaten in ratatouille, stuffed or au gratin.

Number of days for harvest: 50 




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