
Vegetable story: The onion is the strength

The warriors of Antiquity believed in it: they consumed quantities of this vegetable to increase their power and vivacity, essential qualities to achieve victory on the battlefield!

Rossa di Milano Onion – Organic

Allium cepa


Combining a sweet flavor, abundant production and excellent storage performance, this open-pollinated onion has a lot to offer. In addition, the medium-sized bulbs with thin necks have an attractive, very tight, glossy dark red skin. These long- to intermediate-day onions tolerate cold climates and average 10 inches in diameter.

Number of days for harvest: 100

Available at the ecoumene only

Combining a sweet flavor, abundant production and excellent storage performance, this open-pollinated onion has a lot to offer. In addition, the medium-sized bulbs with thin necks have an attractive, very tight, glossy dark red skin. These long- to intermediate-day onions tolerate cold climates and average 10 inches in diameter.

Number of days for harvest: 100




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