Gorria pepper – Organic

Capsicum annuum


Gorria pepper is a classic in any kitchen. This little pepper with a value of 4 on the Scoville scale was selected, not for its strength, but for its unique aroma. Since then, many people have made their own pepper and every autumn we can see the walls of houses being covered with strings of peppers drying in the sun in many parts of the world. Very fragrant, this elongated red pepper measures 7 to 10 cm long and is slightly curved. The vigorous plants, 80 cm high, produce an excellent harvest of fruits which quickly turn from green to red. It is particularly tasty dried and is used to flavor a host of cooked dishes, even chocolate!

Number of days for harvest: 80 

Quantity of bags Discount
3 15%
4+ 20%

Available at the ecoumene only

Gorria pepper is a classic in any kitchen. This little pepper with a value of 4 on the Scoville scale was selected, not for its strength, but for its unique aroma. Since then, many people have made their own pepper and every autumn we can see the walls of houses being covered with strings of peppers drying in the sun in many parts of the world. Very fragrant, this elongated red pepper measures 7 to 10 cm long and is slightly curved. The vigorous plants, 80 cm high, produce an excellent harvest of fruits which quickly turn from green to red. It is particularly tasty dried and is used to flavor a host of cooked dishes, even chocolate!

Number of days for harvest: 80 




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