Rhubarb Victoria – Organic

Rheum rhaponticum


Who doesn't enjoy good pies, marmalades and sauces prepared with the fleshy petioles of rhubarb leaves? Those produced by the 'Victoria' cultivar are particularly tasty. They measure up to 60 cm long and have a reddish green color. The harvest is much better if the flower stalks are removed as soon as they form and extends from June to September. It is a hardy perennial plant down to -30°C.

Please note: The Victoria variety is particularly suitable for domestic cultivation thanks to its robustness and remarkable taste, however, it is less recommended for market gardeners due to its propensity to go to seed quickly, which can reduce productivity. To grow at home, simply remove the flower stems quickly to continue harvesting over several weeks.

Number of days for harvest: 365

Available at the ecoumene only

Who doesn't enjoy good pies, marmalades and sauces prepared with the fleshy petioles of rhubarb leaves? Those produced by the 'Victoria' cultivar are particularly tasty. They measure up to 60 cm long and have a reddish green color. The harvest is much better if the flower stalks are removed as soon as they form and extends from June to September. It is a hardy perennial plant down to -30°C.

Please note: The Victoria variety is particularly suitable for domestic cultivation thanks to its robustness and remarkable taste, however, it is less recommended for market gardeners due to its propensity to go to seed quickly, which can reduce productivity. To grow at home, simply remove the flower stems quickly to continue harvesting over several weeks.

Number of days for harvest: 365




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