
Listen to your tomatoes

Your tomato plants are lush and several clusters, still green, will ripen slowly in the coming weeks. To guarantee quality fruit production, it is important to remain attentive to the signals sent by your exhausted plants.

Standard Tomato Yellow Pepper – Organic


You guessed it, the yellow fruits of the Yellow Pepper — also called Andean Yellow — imitate the shape of a large, elongated pepper with a pointed end surprisingly well. Their firm, dense, slightly tangy and fruity flesh contains few seeds and is delicious in salads, in coulis or in puree. As stuffed tomatoes, they have no equal. These tomatoes weigh between 80 and 100 g when they mature mid-season. Port determined.

Number of days for harvest: 75

Available at the ecoumene only

You guessed it, the yellow fruits of the Yellow Pepper — also called Andean Yellow — imitate the shape of a large, elongated pepper with a pointed end surprisingly well. Their firm, dense, slightly tangy and fruity flesh contains few seeds and is delicious in salads, in coulis or in puree. As stuffed tomatoes, they have no equal. These tomatoes weigh between 80 and 100 g when they mature mid-season. Port determined.

Number of days for harvest: 75




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