
Listen to your tomatoes

Your tomato plants are lush and several clusters, still green, will ripen slowly in the coming weeks. To guarantee quality fruit production, it is important to remain attentive to the signals sent by your exhausted plants.

Valencie standard tomato – Organic


The Valencie standard tomato produces sunny orange fruits that reveal a full, rich taste. These round, smooth tomatoes average 8 to 10 oz. and are distinguished by their thick skin and fleshy flesh with few seeds. Excellent in slices, for many it is the best orange tomato! Valencie is also well adapted to our climate and is harvested mid-season (75 days). This beautiful variety is also part of the Slow Food Ark of Taste. Undetermined port.

Number of days for harvest: 75  

Available at the ecoumene only

The Valencie standard tomato produces sunny orange fruits that reveal a full, rich taste. These round, smooth tomatoes average 8 to 10 oz. and are distinguished by their thick skin and fleshy flesh with few seeds. Excellent in slices, for many it is the best orange tomato! Valencie is also well adapted to our climate and is harvested mid-season (75 days). This beautiful variety is also part of the Slow Food Ark of Taste. Undetermined port.

Number of days for harvest: 75  




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