
Listen to your tomatoes

Your tomato plants are lush and several clusters, still green, will ripen slowly in the coming weeks. To guarantee quality fruit production, it is important to remain attentive to the signals sent by your exhausted plants.

Beefsteak tomato Adelin Morin – Organic


This exceptional tomato has been cultivated since the end of the 19th century by the Morin family, near Chertsey. The flattened, strongly ribbed pink-red fruit is produced in clusters of four. Its tasty full and firm dark pink flesh has a fairly mild taste with hints of acidity. This very rare tomato is among the varieties of our heritage which produce the largest fruits. These weigh between 200 g and 1 kg each and are divided into numerous cavities. The indeterminate growing plant gives a high yield.

Number of days for harvest: 80 to 85

Available at the ecoumene only

This exceptional tomato has been cultivated since the end of the 19th century by the Morin family, near Chertsey. The flattened, strongly ribbed pink-red fruit is produced in clusters of four. Its tasty full and firm dark pink flesh has a fairly mild taste with hints of acidity. This very rare tomato is among the varieties of our heritage which produce the largest fruits. These weigh between 200 g and 1 kg each and are divided into numerous cavities. The indeterminate growing plant gives a high yield.

Number of days for harvest: 80 to 85




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