
Listen to your tomatoes

Your tomato plants are lush and several clusters, still green, will ripen slowly in the coming weeks. To guarantee quality fruit production, it is important to remain attentive to the signals sent by your exhausted plants.

Siberian Pink Cocktail Tomato – Organic

Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiform


This superb tomato from Russia is perfect for short, cool seasons. The vigorous plant produces heavily laden clusters of dark pink, cocktail-style fruits whose exquisite flavor is surprising for an early-maturing variety. Determined growth.

Number of days for harvest: 60 to 70

Available at the ecoumene only

This superb tomato from Russia is perfect for short, cool seasons. The vigorous plant produces heavily laden clusters of dark pink, cocktail-style fruits whose exquisite flavor is surprising for an early-maturing variety. Determined growth.

Number of days for harvest: 60 to 70




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