Arnica americana – Organic

Arnica chamissonis


Also known as Arnica Chamisso, this perennial plant native to North America is very hardy. Recognized as a medicinal plant with analgesic and anti-inflammatory actions, it is very effective externally in cases of strains and muscle and joint pain. Be careful not to use it internally (do not consume it or apply it to a wound) since it contains helelanin, an irritant molecule.

Number of days for harvest: 40

Available at the ecoumene only

Also known as Arnica Chamisso, this perennial plant native to North America is very hardy. Recognized as a medicinal plant with analgesic and anti-inflammatory actions, it is very effective externally in cases of strains and muscle and joint pain. Be careful not to use it internally (do not consume it or apply it to a wound) since it contains helelanin, an irritant molecule.

Number of days for harvest: 40




Ecosystem services

Procurement Services

Medical use:
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