Edible chrysanthemum – Organic

Chrysanthemum coronarium var. shungiku


Raw or cooked, the very pronounced and delicious taste of the leaves and edible flowers of this decorative chrysanthemum enhances many dishes. The tender, uniquely flavored leaves are eaten when they reach 10 cm in height, while the tastiest flowers measure 2 cm in diameter. Used sparingly to garnish salad, they are wonderful. This chrysanthemum, also known as 'Chop Suey Shungiku', is widely used in China and Japan.

Number of days for harvest: 65 to 70

Available at the ecoumene only

Raw or cooked, the very pronounced and delicious taste of the leaves and edible flowers of this decorative chrysanthemum enhances many dishes. The tender, uniquely flavored leaves are eaten when they reach 10 cm in height, while the tastiest flowers measure 2 cm in diameter. Used sparingly to garnish salad, they are wonderful. This chrysanthemum, also known as 'Chop Suey Shungiku', is widely used in China and Japan.

Number of days for harvest: 65 to 70




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Procurement Services

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