



Potting soil can be recycled and it’s an ecological gesture

A few years ago, it was suggested that gardeners throw away the potting soil they had used in their pot after a year of use. When we know that land is a precious commodity, not very renewable (it takes 200 to 1 years to renew the soil layer), this advice was a bit absurd. Since then, we have been more respectful and we know that we can reuse the potting soil from the containers from year to year.

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Soil amendments, what does ossa give*?

The majority of gardeners today understand the importance of adding compost or manure to their vegetable garden and flower beds; what about mineral amendments like gypsum, lime or basalt, or even organic materials like kelp meal or biochar?

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Biochar: the missing link in living soils!

In our cultivated ecosystems, the search for balance between plants, soil and microorganisms is fundamental. Recent research has demonstrated that the missing link to help achieve this is biochar. A real revolution is beginning.

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